What is a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) and where do I find it?
What is a VIN?
The vehicle identification number (VIN) is like a unique fingerprint for your car. It's a 17-character code made up of both numbers and capital letters, and no two vehicles share the same VIN. This code reveals essential details about your car's make, model, and specifications.
Not only this, your car's VIN serves a multitude of purposes beyond identification. It can be a crucial tool for tracking recalls, registrations, warranty claims, insurance coverage, and even thefts.
So, where do you find your VIN?
Your vehicle’s VIN could be located in several areas:
under the bonnet near the engine;
on the driver’s or front passenger’s door frame;
a corner of the dashboard near the windscreen;
under the floor near the passenger seat or driver
If you're unable to locate the VIN, refer to your vehicle's registration certificate or owner's manual (if available). Another option is to reach out to the dealership or manufacturer, provide them with your vehicle's make and model, and inquire about the VIN's location.